Complete Engine & Transmission Rebuilding
We specialize in American V-Twin drive-lines with 3, 4, 5, 6 speed transmissions. All engines are test run before delivery.
We also do component repairs for Mustang, Cushman, and other vintage scooters.
Welding Services
- Engine & Transmission cases
- Inner/Outer primary cover repair
- Cylinder head repairs & fin replacement
Custom Fabrication
- Cylinder boring & honing
- Cylinder sleeving - 45, Pan, Shovel
- Complete head rebuilding
- Valve seat replacement - Pan, Shovel, Evolution, Twin Cam
- Spark plug hole restoration
- Boring of tappet blocks for O/S tappets
- Flywheel rebuilding & truing
Since 1993
Our Approach
We want to hear from you. Tell us what you have, and we will give you our professional opinion. If there are too many variables related to your project, ship it to us for a free inspection and estimate. We'll pay the return freight if our estimate doesn't meet your budget.

Like what you see?
Let us help you take your project to the next level...